Saturday, August 29, 2009

  • 00:05 I'm adicted to New York. It's so Fuckin' beautiful. #
  • 00:05 Or is it Pieceful fuckin' Beautiful? #
  • 00:08 New York, I think I love you.. :D. Just in case anyone thought I was insane. Future Trance 49 - I love New York. #
  • 00:30 : 00:30 : 00:30 : 00:06 What the hell, Mario Bros music in a Cyber Assault pack? Insane. # 01:01 : 00:43 @superb.. #
  • 01:17 Okay, so I though DJ Sammy wasn't making any albums anymore? Guess he is. Thought Heaven is like the only single he had. #
  • 01:36 Wow, I can't believe a cheap rad ioshack clock lasted me about 15 years or so. #
  • 01:37 It just blew up in my face, it's pieces now scattered about the floor and nightstand. #
  • 01:44 Listening to BBC 1. #
  • 01:46 @serrebi Hmm. Think I just missed it, sadly. Think I heard it, just don't personally have it. When you get it. send it over. #
  • 01:47 @Brandon_h Na. I was sitting a few feet away. #
  • 01:47 @serrebi Hmm. are you listening to the archive? Because I'm not hearing any HC now lol. #
  • 01:52 Where can I get RP for mac? Then where can I listen to the Nasa stuff? #
  • 03:36 Hell yeah, more Batman: Arkham Asylum videos on GameAnyone. #
  • 03:46 @gowrone Hmm. But I mean, Zoom has a feature for speaking with the system voice. The prolog, if it spoke automaticly clearly, it's obvious. #
  • 03:56 @gowrone I think the first one may be paint as the first one. Hold up, I'll open mine real quick. #
  • 03:59 @gowrone Ah. Okay. I think first it's N, then male or female. #
  • 04:10 @gowrone N is for new game. #
  • 04:30 I still wonder why iTunes fails to download the latest MM? #
  • 04:43 Hmm. This hilights podcast isn't really good for Main Menu, we kind of review a bit of inaccessible version. #
  • 04:56 Night Twitter. Snow Leopard tomorrow, can't wait til 3-4 PM! #
  • 08:01 The Moon's conjunction with passionate Pluto in your sign toda... More for Capricorn #
  • 11:26 Holy shit. #
  • 11:28 I think I skipped my Ice Cream last night and woke up hungrier than usual. My body resorts to pain when it doesn't get what it want's in it #
  • 12:03 My mom isn't working today, so it looks like she's gonna have to take the long journey anyway. Figures. #
  • 12:06 Hm. Is ten GB enough for Snowy? #
  • 12:07 I had 12, but now ten thanks to podcasts. #
  • 12:42 @KVP2008 Where do you get your Hands Up and trance releases news? is enough for HC, don't know about the others. #
  • 14:08 Love the new speed in Alex for SL. Much fa ster. #
  • 14:30 Hmm. I wonder if I have an Apple ID. Is creating one free? Did I create one for an iTunes account? #
  • 14:44 I don't think there's anything new in the VO Quickstart unless you've got a trackpad. #
  • 14:49 @gandalph2005 No. I don't have it installed yet, my mom hasn't came back with it. I was listening to @jack728's podcast. #
  • 15:01 Hmm. Quite concerned. What will the installer do if I don't have enough free space? #
  • 15:32 Okay, is there a way to turn off direct messages via email? I don't need it now that I can check via #Syrinx. #
  • 16:09 @ianmcnamara Doing fine. #
  • 16:10 Mom just called and says she "has" Snow Leopard. Yeah! #
  • 16:43 @gandalph2005 Dude. @gowrone (Matthue Elif) wants you to follow him. #
  • 16:43 RT @topdog2046: Why, FS, must you put in features like ResearchIt and checking weather when you could be preventing Jaws from crashing? #
  • 16:45 Snow Leopard is now in my drive. Time to install! #
  • 16:50 Question: When selecting English as my langu age, do the other languages get installed with it by default? #
  • 16:53 I need as much space as possible here, and if that includes removing all languages but English, so be it. #
  • 16:58 Hmm. Do I really need X11? #
  • 16:58 @topdog2046 A friend of mine from the UK. #
  • 17:00 Okay, well X11 is being installed because I don't feel like waiting for Twitter responces lol. #
  • 17:02 Ah, it's making me quit Syrinx so I can't tweet during install. I'll be back on Syrinx with Snow Leopard, folks. #
  • 17:02 @topdog2046 Probably won't use it, never have before. #
  • 17:56 Holy shit. #
  • 17:57 Okay, guys, um. I had the setup assistant up, but I hit continue and now it's gone? #
  • 17:58 I can't seem to hit VO-F2 either to get the window chooser up... #
  • 18:01 Well, apart from the setup assistant, the install went rather smothely. #
  • 18:02 Er. smoothly. #
  • 18:13 What the hell? Vo-CMD-F8 launches iTunes for me as well? WTF? #
  • 18:16 Okay, going to the help menu by hitting VO-H then quickstart brings me into it. #
  • 18:16 Still. I want my freakin window chooser... #
  • 18:25 Very interesting. After I hit continue the setup assistant didn't make me fill anything out? #
  • 18:31 @Lioncourt Josh. You have any idea as to why after upgrading to SL, VO-F2 won't work? #
  • 18:31 @Lioncourt I can go to the help with VO-H and get to it from there but the key shortcut won't work. #
  • 18:32 @Lioncourt Nor will VO-CMD-F8. It opens up iTunes, but I can get to it from help. #
  • 18:51 Ah, okay. Now VOiceOver behaves the way it should. #
  • 18:55 Well well well. terminal is awesome now. #
  • 18:55 @DHSHolly I did an upgrade, and don't see what's wrong with upgrading. #
  • 18:57 @DHSHolly I had to change the keyboard prefs for function behavior. #
  • 19:00 If I hadn't said so already. QuickNav Rules! #
  • 19:04 Hmm. Does anyone know ho w to disable/remove plugins from Adium? The skype one now causes major problems. #
  • 19:40 And. someone said on a list that after an upgrade there are "Bits of Leopard" left over? Where are they; and I'll delete them. #
  • 20:08 This is extremely funny. I have Gudeus singing my tweets. #
  • 20:09 And it's funny wen it sings "selected folder, 2 of 43", which it didn't used to say. #
  • 20:20 God damn. I love Snow Leopard and VoiceOver 3.0. Best freakin VoiceOver yet. #
  • 20:27 @scottrut DropBox is working fine over here? #
  • 20:56 One more issue I found with #Adium. The edit box is detected as a "text area" in VoiceOver, not an actual edit box. #
  • 20:57 @scottrut Why don't you like the MacVoiceOver list? #
  • 21:12 Adium's got some serious issues. I'm reporting them now. Creating a Bug Tracks account. #
  • 21:14 Wow. VoiceOver says when something is required or optional in forms I guess if it has a star or not next to it? Sweetness. #
  • 22:18 Not to mention in adium when you interact with the table and when you press return on someone it'l go to another random person. #
  • 22:28 Damn. I just submitted a bug report to adium. I had updates checked, I'd be damned if it's not giving me the right betas. #
  • 22:32 Okay. I'm good with adium now. I did, however, report a non-existing bug due to having the wrong beta. Ah well. #
  • 22:34 Where can I report a bug for Syrinx? #
  • 22:34 Kinda minor, but nevertheless it's annoying me with VoiceOver. #
  • 22:34 Interact with the text of a tweet, and you'll find it doesn't read right, word for word. #
  • 22:35 This has been the case since using Syrinx, guess no one has bothered to re port it. #
  • 23:19 @zhuuraan Intell rules. #
  • 23:32 @Brandon_h Yeah. I quite like that. #
  • 23:32 Wow. Alex finally says "Yeah" right. #
  • 23:33 Where can I tell VoiceOver to say nothing if there's no windows? Keeps saying "Mail has no windows." #
  • 23:35 Nice. VoiceOver is now "VoiceOver" as a process, not Screanreaderd. #
  • 23:37 And I think they finally fixed where VoiceOver wouldn't respond either and not read right, so yay for that. #
  • 23:59 @blindgeek Surely there's something you can set in the VoiceOver utility? #
  • 23:59 @blindgeek Yeah, I think everyone is having that #Syrinx problem. #
  • 00:00 @blindgeek Yeah, I noticed a few seconds of lag when in tables. #
More soon.

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