This is quite funny, read it…
Please note: This fight is 21 pages!
In this corner, standing 5 feet and 9 inches (175 centimeters) tall weighing in at 169 pounds (77 kilograms) with a record of 0 wins, 0 draws, and 0 losses
is Charles Rivard!!
In this corner, standing 6 feet and 6 inches (198 centimeters) tall weighing in at 236 pounds (107 kilograms) with a record of 0 wins, 0 draws, and 0 losses
is Bigger Mike!!
This bout is scheduled for 12 rounds.
Charles Rivard has 210.0 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting and goes to the body.
Mike lands a clean straight right to the chest.
Rivard lands an overhand right to the mouth.
Rivard reaches with a straight right to the face, but it's too slow .
Mike jars Rivard with an illegal rabbit punch! This is unbelievable!
Mike throws a jab to the stomach.
Mike throws an overhand right to the ribs, but Rivard ducks .
Rivard throws an uppercut to the face, but Mike evades it .
Rivard throws a clean uppercut to the chest. Mike ignores it.
Mike hits Rivard with an uppercut to the stomach.
Rivard annoys Mike with a jab to the nose.
Mike throws a right to the jaw, but only touches with it .
Mike attacks with a right hand to the ribs, but doesn't quite connect .
Rivard attacks with a jab to the temple, but Mike ducks .
Mike whacks Rivard with a stiff hook to the solar plexus.
Mike lunges with a jab to the stomach, but Rivard covers himself well .
Rivard throws a quick jab to the eye.
Mike throws a quick jab to the head.
Rivard annoys Mike with a straight right to the jaw.
Rivard reaches with a jab to the stomach, but he's off balance .
Rivard charges with a hook to the chin, but goes wide .
Rivard throws a quick sweeping right to the head.
Rivard throws a sweeping right to the jaw, but Mike ducks .
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 25 of 49 punches -- 7 power punches, 11 jabs, 7 rights. (71 points)
Bigger Mike landed 19 of 36 punches -- 6 power punches, 7 jabs, 6 rights. (56 points)
Charles Rivard won the round 10-9 by throwing more punches.
Charles Rivard is winning the fight 10-9.
Rivard doesn't need to rest.
Mike doesn't need to rest.
Your fighter lost 11.8 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 6.9 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 10 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 199.4 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Mike fires an uppercut to the solar plexus. Rivard covers up.
Rivard attempts a left to the temple, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard tries an uppercut to the nose, but Mike ducks .
Rivard connects with a hook to the ribs.
Mike annoys Rivard with a jab to the head.
Mike scores with an uppercut to the solar plexus. Rivard covers up.
Rivard annoys Mike with a quick jab to the nose.
Mike lands a hook to the jaw.
Rivard annoys Mike with a jab to the chest. Mike sneers!
Rivard reaches with a jab to the chin, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard throws a left to the stomach, but Mike ducks .
Rivard punches Mike with an elbow! It appears unintentional, but the referee stops the action and issues a warning!
Rivard lashes out with a hook to the mouth, but Mike evades it .
Mike charges with a sweeping right to the eye, but Rivard blocks it .
Mike lands a clean jab to the stomach. Rivard quickly recovers.
Mike fires a jab to the stomach, but Rivard ducks .
Rivard throws a hook to the eye.
Mike fires a jab to the face, but Rivard hides behind his gloves .
Mike hits with a left to the chin.
Mike throws a sweeping right to the head.
Rivard scores with a left to the stomach.
Mike tries a hook to the head, but Rivard ducks .
Rivard throws a jab to the face, but flails uselessly .
Rivard annoys Mike with a straight right to the mouth.
Rivard throws a right to the jaw, but Mike ducks .
Mike attempts an uppercut to the jaw, but Rivard covers himself well .
Mike strikes with a jab to the stomach.
Rivard throws a sweeping right to the face.
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 27 of 53 punches -- 8 power punches, 11 jabs, 8 rights. (78 points)
Bigger Mike landed 33 of 53 punches -- 10 power punches, 13 jabs, 10 rights. (96 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.
The fight is too close to call at this point.
Rivard doesn't need to rest. He has a bloody nose.
Mike doesn't need to rest.
Your fighter lost 16.2 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 14.1 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 26 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 185.9 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Mike lunges with a left to the temple, but Rivard ducks .
Mike smacks Rivard with a jab to the stomach. Rivard hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
Rivard probes with a jab to the stomach, but Mike ducks .
Mike attacks with an uppercut to the stomach, but goes wide .
Mike connects with a clean overhand right to the nose.
Rivard lashes out with a straight right to the stomach, but Mike covers up .
Mike tries to land a jab to the head, but falls short .
Mike throws a jab to the head.
Rivard tries a sweeping right to the face, but Mike covers up .
Mike launches a roundhouse to the nose, but Rivard ducks .
Rivard lands a quick jab to the chest. Mike sneers!
Rivard throws a jab to the nose, but Mike ducks .
Mike scores with a jab to the head.
Rivard throws a left to the face.
Rivard reaches with a straight right to the stomach, but Mike slips it .
Rivard throws a hook to the chest, but it's too slow .
Mike tries a jab to the chest, but Rivard evades it .
Mike takes charge with a cross to the stomach. Rivard covers up.
Rivard annoys Mike with a roundhouse to the head. Mike ignores it.
Mike tags Rivard with a quick straight right to the stomach.
Rivard tags Mike with a clean cross to the head.
Rivard tags Mike with a quick jab to the temple.
Rivard tries to land a hook to the chin, but misses completely .
Mike throws a hook to the head.
Rivard annoys Mike with an uppercut to the jaw. Mike sneers!
Mike annoys Rivard with an uppercut to the mouth.
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 24 of 51 punches -- 7 power punches, 10 jabs, 7 rights. (69 points)
Bigger Mike landed 33 of 51 punches -- 10 power punches, 13 jabs, 10 rights. (96 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.
Bigger Mike is winning the fight 29-28.
Rivard remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has a bloody nose.
Mike doesn't need to rest.
Your fighter lost 15.9 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 13.9 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 42 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 174.0 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Mike throws an uppercut to the chin.
Rivard throws a straight right to the temple, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard annoys Mike with a jab to the head. Mike sneers!
Mike annoys Rivard with a clean jab to the eye. Rivard ignores it.
Rivard lunges with a jab to the temple, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard connects with a jab to the solar plexus.
Mike hits with a jab to the mouth.
Rivard charges with a jab to the jaw, but doesn't really connect .
Rivard launches a jab to the face, but Mike evades it .
Mike hits Rivard with an uppercut to the stomach. Rivard ignores it.
Mike tries a jab to the solar plexus, but goes wide .
Mike tags Rivard with a quick right to the stomach.
Mike throws an uppercut to the face, but Rivard blocks it .
Rivard connects with an uppercut to the stomach. Mike ignores it.
Mike attempts a straight right to the stomach, but Rivard covers himself well .
Rivard lunges with an uppercut to the solar plexus, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard hits with a cross to the head.
Rivard lashes out with a cross to the nose, but Mike slips it .
Mike lashes out with a mean roundhouse to the chest.
Mike charges with a hook to the eye, but Rivard slips it .
Rivard reaches with a sweeping right to the head, but Mike ducks .
Rivard launches an uppercut to the stomach, but Mike slips it .
Mike lands a clean sweeping right to the chin.
Rivard throws a roundhouse to the chest, but Mike covers himself well .
Mike fires a jab to the face, but Rivard covers himself well .
Mike hits with a jab to the stomach.
Rivard throws a quick straight right to the solar plexus.
Rivard throws a quick uppercut to the stomach.
Mike charges with a right hand to the head, but flails uselessly .
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 22 of 59 punches -- 6 power punches, 10 jabs, 6 rights. (62 points)
Bigger Mike landed 33 of 55 punches -- 10 power punches, 13 jabs, 10 rights. (96 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.
Bigger Mike is winning the fight 39-37.
Rivard remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has a bloody nose.
Mike remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.
Your fighter lost 16.0 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 14.0 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 58 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 163.2 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Rivard throws a roundhouse to the head.
Rivard charges with a jab to the stomach, but Mike hides behind his gloves .
Rivard annoys Mike with a quick straight right to the solar plexus.
Mike tries to land a cross to the head, but doesn't really connect .
Mike throws a quick jab to the ribs.
Mike lunges with a jab to the head, but goes wide .
Mike throws a hook to the ribs, but goes wide .
Rivard tags Mike with a hook to the stomach.
Rivard charges with a jab to the head, but Mike ducks .
Rivard charges with a roundhouse to the solar plexus, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard throws a quick jab to the temple.
Mike lands a jab to the ribs.
Mike probes with a left to the ribs, but it's soft .
Rivard lashes out with a roundhouse to the chest, but he's off balance .
Rivard lashes out with a jab to the eye, but it's short .
Mike lashes out with a sweeping right to the head, but goes wide .
Mike connects with an uppercut to the stomach.
Rivard hits Mike with a jab to the temple.
Mike punches Rivard with a nice right to the solar plexus.
Mike charges with a jab to the ribs, but Rivard ducks .
Mike pops Rivard with a solid overhand right to the jaw. Rivard hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
Rivard tries to land a straight right to the solar plexus, but Mike ducks .
Mike probes with a hook to the jaw, but misses .
Mike throws a roundhouse to the stomach.
Mike hits Rivard with a cross to the head.
Mike connects with a quick jab to the face. Rivard ignores it.
Rivard fires a left to the solar plexus, but is ineffective .
Rivard lunges with an uppercut to the stomach, but Mike hides behind his gloves .
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 21 of 52 punches -- 6 power punches, 9 jabs, 6 rights. (60 points)
Bigger Mike landed 30 of 56 punches -- 9 power punches, 12 jabs, 9 rights. (87 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.
Bigger Mike is winning the fight 49-46.
Rivard grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool. He has a bloody nose.
Mike remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.
Your fighter lost 15.0 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 13.2 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 73 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 154.3 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Mike annoys Rivard with a right hand to the stomach. Rivard sneers!
Mike lands a quick jab to the stomach. Rivard sneers!
Rivard tries a jab to the head, but doesn't land it very well .
Mike launches a hook to the head, but Rivard blocks it .
Rivard tries an uppercut to the head, but doesn't quite connect .
Rivard charges with a right hand to the jaw, but Mike covers up .
Rivard hits Mike with a hook to the chest. Mike quickly recovers.
Mike hits Rivard with an uppercut to the mouth.
Rivard launches an uppercut to the head, but Mike blocks it .
Rivard charges with a straight right to the chest, but it's too slow .
Mike launches a jab to the jaw, but Rivard blocks it .
Mike throws an uppercut to the temple, but it's too slow .
Mike hits with an uppercut to the eye.
Mike throws a right hand to the stomach, but Rivard slips it .
Rivard throws a jab to the temple, but Mike ducks .
Mike connects with a quick overhand right to the face.
Rivard throws a straight right to the mouth, but only touches with it .
Rivard annoys Mike with a quick jab to the eye.
Rivard throws a quick left to the stomach. Mike ignores it.
Mike launches a jab to the head, but it's short .
Rivard probes with a jab to the stomach, but goes wide .
Mike scores with a jab to the eye. Rivard quickly recovers.
Rivard reaches with an overhand right to the eye, but doesn't quite connect .
Mike punches Rivard with a right to the chin.
Rivard annoys Mike with a clean jab to the nose.
Rivard attacks with a right to the chin, but Mike ducks .
Mike fires a jab to the stomach. Rivard covers up.
Rivard annoys Mike with a roundhouse to the chin.
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 19 of 59 punches -- 5 power punches, 9 jabs, 5 rights. (53 points)
Bigger Mike landed 33 of 54 punches -- 10 power punches, 13 jabs, 10 rights. (96 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.
Bigger Mike is winning the fight 59-55.
Rivard grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool. He has a bloody nose.
Mike remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.
Your fighter lost 16.2 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 14.2 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 89 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 145.3 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Rivard attacks with a right hand to the stomach, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard lunges with a left to the head, but Mike covers himself well .
Mike lands a left to the stomach.
Rivard annoys Mike with a jab to the chin. Mike ignores it.
Mike tags Rivard with a sweeping right to the head.
Rivard probes with a jab to the chest, but Mike ducks .
Rivard annoys Mike with a quick jab to the stomach.
Mike reaches with a roundhouse to the stomach, but Rivard slips it .
Mike hits with a sharp uppercut to the mouth.
Rivard tries an uppercut to the chin, but doesn't quite connect .
Rivard charges with a hook to the stomach, but is ineffective .
Mike tries to land a right hand to the nose, but falls short .
Rivard reaches with a jab to the head, but Mike covers himself well .
Mike punches Rivard with a jab to the mouth.
Rivard launches a jab to the stomach, but it's weak .
Rivard lands a clean roundhouse to the stomach.
Mike throws an uppercut to the head, but Rivard ducks .
Rivard tries to land an uppercut to the head, but Mike evades it .
Rivard tags Mike with a quick hook to the chest.
Mike reaches with a jab to the stomach, but doesn't quite connect .
Rivard reaches with a right hand to the solar plexus, but Mike hides behind his gloves .
Rivard annoys Mike with a sweeping right to the face. Mike sneers!
Mike lands a clean uppercut to the stomach.
Mike lunges with a jab to the temple, but Rivard hides behind his gloves .
Mike scores with an uppercut to the nose. Rivard covers up.
Mike lands a jab to the stomach.
Mike throws a clean jab to the face.
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 18 of 54 punches -- 5 power punches, 8 jabs, 5 rights. (51 points)
Bigger Mike landed 30 of 51 punches -- 9 power punches, 12 jabs, 9 rights. (87 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.
Bigger Mike is winning the fight 69-64.
Rivard grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool. He has a bloody nose.
Mike grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.
Your fighter lost 16.2 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 14.2 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 105 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 137.2 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Rivard probes with a straight right to the temple, but Mike evades it .
Rivard lands a clean sweeping right to the stomach.
Mike probes with a roundhouse to the solar plexus, but Rivard blocks it .
Mike fires a right hand to the temple, but Rivard ducks .
Rivard attacks with a right hand to the stomach, but comes up empty .
Rivard attacks with an uppercut to the stomach, but Mike blocks it .
Rivard lunges with a cross to the face, but Mike slips it .
Rivard tries an uppercut to the solar plexus, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard annoys Mike with a jab to the stomach.
Mike tags Rivard with a clean uppercut to the chin.
Mike throws a jab to the eye, but Rivard ducks .
Mike connects with a jab to the chest.
Mike throws a sweeping right to the stomach.
Rivard throws a hook to the head.
Rivard charges with a jab to the head, but misses .
Mike throws a straight right to the ribs.
Mike takes charge with a nice jab to the head.
Rivard reaches with an uppercut to the nose, but Mike ducks .
Mike probes with a jab to the head, but doesn't quite connect .
Mike lands a jab to the stomach.
Rivard lashes out with a jab to the head, but Mike ducks .
Mike scores with an uppercut to the jaw.
Mike reaches with a hook to the chest, but Rivard ducks .
Mike punches Rivard with a hook to the stomach.
Rivard connects with an uppercut to the eye.
Mike fires a sweeping right to the nose, but falls short .
Rivard lunges with a jab to the head, but Mike ducks .
Rivard throws a quick jab to the solar plexus.
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 18 of 55 punches -- 5 power punches, 8 jabs, 5 rights. (51 points)
Bigger Mike landed 30 of 55 punches -- 9 power punches, 12 jabs, 9 rights. (87 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.
Bigger Mike is winning the fight 79-73.
Rivard is obviously tired. He has swelling around his left eye. He has a bloody nose.
Mike grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.
Your fighter lost 15.4 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 13.4 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 121 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 130.6 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Mike scores with a clean jab to the chest. Rivard quickly recovers.
Rivard tries to land a jab to the chest, but Mike ducks .
Mike probes with a jab to the chin, but Rivard hides behind his gloves .
Mike throws a jab to the solar plexus.
Rivard tries to land a roundhouse to the head, but Mike slips it .
Mike throws an overhand right to the jaw.
Mike scores with a hook to the solar plexus.
Mike attacks with a hook to the face, but Rivard covers himself well .
Mike tags Rivard with a hook to the chest. Rivard quickly recovers.
Mike tries a sweeping right to the stomach, but Rivard hides behind his gloves .
Rivard attacks with a cross to the stomach, but Mike covers himself well .
Mike tags Rivard with a clean sweeping right to the stomach. Rivard ignores it.
Rivard lands a quick jab to the head.
Rivard charges with a right hand to the stomach, but Mike evades it .
Mike attacks with a jab to the head, but fails to score .
Rivard throws a cross to the stomach, but Mike covers up .
Rivard tries to land a jab to the head, but Mike covers up .
Rivard connects with a hook to the head.
Rivard annoys Mike with a sweeping right to the head.
Mike hits Rivard with a jab to the head.
Rivard throws a jab to the head, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard charges with an overhand right to the nose, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard fires a jab to the nose, but Mike hides behind his gloves .
Mike fires a hook to the chin, but comes up empty .
Rivard launches a hook to the solar plexus, but Mike blocks it .
Rivard hits Mike with a sweeping right to the chest.
Rivard fires a hook to the ribs, but comes up empty .
Mike fires a left to the ribs, but Rivard blocks it .
Mike surprises Rivard with a right to the head.
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 15 of 57 punches -- 4 power punches, 7 jabs, 4 rights. (42 points)
Bigger Mike landed 30 of 53 punches -- 9 power punches, 12 jabs, 9 rights. (87 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.
Bigger Mike is winning the fight 89-82.
Rivard is obviously tired. He has his left eye badly swollen. He has a cut over his left eye. He has a bloody nose.
Mike grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.
Your fighter lost 18.0 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 14.0 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 137 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 122.4 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Mike reaches with a jab to the nose, but Rivard covers himself well .
Rivard lashes out with a jab to the stomach, but Mike ducks .
Rivard lunges with an uppercut to the stomach, but Mike hides behind his gloves .
Rivard hits with an uppercut to the solar plexus.
Rivard tries a jab to the face, but Mike evades it .
Mike launches an overhand right to the head, but Rivard covers up .
Mike throws a jab to the chin.
Mike hits with a clean uppercut to the eye.
Rivard tries to land a right to the chin, but Mike ducks .
Mike probes with a jab to the temple, but Rivard blocks it .
Mike probes with a cross to the nose, but Rivard hides behind his gloves .
Rivard annoys Mike with a jab to the jaw.
Mike fires a clean left to the stomach.
Rivard lashes out with a hook to the stomach, but Mike covers up .
Rivard attempts a straight right to the mouth, but Mike ducks .
Rivard tries to land a jab to the chin, but Mike hides behind his gloves .
Rivard attacks with a roundhouse to the stomach, but falls short .
Mike annoys Rivard with a sweeping right to the solar plexus.
Mike tries to land a hook to the nose, but Rivard ducks .
Rivard launches a sweeping right to the solar plexus, but Mike slips it .
Mike hits Rivard with a quick jab to the solar plexus.
Mike hits Rivard with a quick uppercut to the nose. Rivard quickly recovers.
Mike lands a jab to the stomach.
Rivard annoys Mike with a left to the face.
Mike probes with a right to the stomach, but Rivard ducks .
Rivard launches a jab to the chin, but Mike ducks .
Mike jars Rivard with a big hook to the ribs!! The crowd is on its feet!!
Rivard throws a hook to the eye, but Mike covers up .
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 12 of 57 punches -- 3 power punches, 6 jabs, 3 rights. (33 points)
Bigger Mike landed 30 of 55 punches -- 9 power punches, 12 jabs, 9 rights. (87 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.
Bigger Mike is winning the fight 99-91.
Rivard is sucking wind. He has his left eye nearly swollen shut. He has a cut over his left eye. He has a bloody nose.
Mike grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.
Your fighter lost 19.9 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 15.5 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 155 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 113.2 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Mike throws an uppercut to the jaw, but it's short .
Mike catches Rivard with a sharp jab to the stomach. Rivard hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
Mike tags Rivard with a cross to the head.
Mike thumps Rivard with a solid uppercut to the head. Rivard is hurt!! He falls into a clinch and the ref forces them apart!
Mike attacks with a straight right to the face, but Rivard covers up .
Rivard probes with a jab to the face, but Mike blocks it .
Mike connects with a clean jab to the stomach.
Rivard charges with a hook to the eye, but Mike hides behind his gloves .
Rivard attacks with an uppercut to the eye, but Mike covers up .
Rivard fires a jab to the chin, but Mike blocks it .
Mike fires a hook to the eye, but doesn't quite connect .
Rivard hits Mike with a clean cross to the eye.
Mike lashes out with a jab to the ribs, but Rivard ducks .
Mike hits with a hook to the head.
Mike reaches with a jab to the eye, but only touches with it .
Rivard throws a jab to the chin, but Mike covers himself well .
Rivard fires a left to the solar plexus, but it's short .
Mike annoys Rivard with an uppercut to the nose.
Mike connects with a clean cross to the head. Rivard ignores it.
Rivard lunges with an uppercut to the mouth, but only touches with it .
Mike tries to land a left to the face, but falls short .
Mike fires a sweeping right to the head, but Rivard ducks .
Mike hits Rivard with a sweeping right to the eye. Rivard ignores it.
Rivard tries to land a cross to the mouth, but Mike covers himself well .
Mike punches Rivard with an overhand right to the solar plexus.
According to the Commentators:
Charles Rivard landed 4 of 34 punches -- 1 power punch, 2 jabs, 1 right. (11 points)
Bigger Mike landed 34 of 60 punches -- 11 power punches, 13 jabs, 10 rights. (100 points)
Bigger Mike won the round 10-8 for dominating the round.
Bigger Mike is winning the fight 109-99.
Rivard is sucking wind. He has his left eye swollen shut. He has swelling around his right eye. He has a serious cut over his left eye. He has a fractured
Mike grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.
Your fighter lost 27.6 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 19.2 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 177 points of damage in the fight.
Charles Rivard has 98.0 endurance points remaining.
Your tactics: aggressiveness = 6.0, power = 6.0, defense = 8.0, resting 0.0
Rivard comes out fighting.
Mike comes out fighting.
Mike connects with a quick left to the eye.
Mike jars Rivard with a big hook to the chest!! The crowd is on its feet!!
Mike jars Rivard with a big uppercut to the stomach!! The crowd is on its feet!!
Rivard attempts an uppercut to the head, but goes wide .
Rivard tries to land a jab to the stomach, but he's off balance .
Rivard lashes out with a jab to the jaw, but misses .
Mike fires a jab to the head, but Rivard ducks .
Mike throws a quick cross to the stomach.
Rivard probes with an uppercut to the jaw, but Mike covers up .
Mike annoys Rivard with a jab to the chin. Rivard sneers!
Rivard launches a left to the solar plexus, but Mike hides behind his gloves .
Rivard attacks with a jab to the stomach, but Mike blocks it .
Rivard throws a cross to the mouth, but can't connect .
Mike lunges with an uppercut to the stomach, but Rivard hides behind his gloves .
Mike throws a hook to the stomach, but is ineffective .
Mike throws a cross to the ribs, but Rivard evades it .
Mike launches a sweeping right to the ribs, but it's too slow .
Mike wallops Rivard with a big jab to the temple!! The crowd is on its feet!!
Mike tries a jab to the stomach, but Rivard ducks .
Rivard probes with an uppercut to the ribs, but doesn't really connect .
Mike hits with a sweeping right to the ribs.
Rivard lands a quick straight right to the stomach. Mike ignores it.
Mike lands a sudden left haymaker and Rivard is knocked off his feet!!
He's out!!!
Bigger Mike wins by a Knock Out!!
Time: 2:44
Rivard collapses limply onto his stool. He has his left eye swollen shut. He has his right eye nearly swollen shut. He has a cut below his left eye. He
has a cut below his right eye. He has a gash over his left eye. He has bleeding over his right eye. He has a fractured nose.
Mike grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.
Your fighter lost 53.7 points of endurance this round due to damage, and 0.0 points due to fatigue. He took 30.1 points of stun damage this round. He has
accumulated 216 points of damage in the fight.
Judge Roy Bean had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Charles Rivard 10-9
Round 2: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 3: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 4: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 5: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 6: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 7: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 8: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 9: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 10: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 11: Bigger Mike 10-8
Judge Judy had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Charles Rivard 10-9
Round 2: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 3: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 4: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 5: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 6: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 7: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 8: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 9: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 10: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 11: Bigger Mike 10-8
Judge Lao Mang Chen had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Charles Rivard 10-9
Round 2: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 3: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 4: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 5: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 6: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 7: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 8: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 9: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 10: Bigger Mike 10-9
Round 11: Bigger Mike 10-8
Sunday, May 07, 2006
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